Our company has been in business for around 15 years now. In that time we have conducted a full range of Board Games Consultancy services - from being a board games expert witness, helping Games companies set up international distribution, finding Board Games factories and more.
On a day to day basis, what this looks like is a mixture of video calls with Board Games companies, research on the Games market, some emails to Board Games distributors, conversations with Board Games factories (normally haggling over pricing!) and more.
Our favourite part of working in the business of non-digital Games is playtesting Games. there is nothing quite like receiving a new Game, opening the box and smelling that fresh new Game smell and then testing out the Game.
One additional feature of the work of a Board Game Consultant is thought leadership and content creation. In this day and age there is an expectation of publishing ideas and opinions on key trends and topics that are relevant to the Games industry. This can be looking at commercial and retail topics, about the Game consumer/player, or about broader trends in the world which affect the business of games.
So, that's what a Board Games Consultant does. If you want to find out more about our specific Consultancy services, just click here: https://www.boardgamebiz.com/game-business-consultancy